Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Political Obligation, is it real?

O.K., I guess I have been following the media, blogs, and candidates too closely.  I have noticed that there is a new intimidation tactic that the American voter is facing.  It is what I like to call “Choose the lesser of two evils” tactic.  It is being used primarily by the Secretary Clinton Campaign to attempt to get Senator Sanders supporters to support her campaign after all of the unfair practices, lies, and character assassination that the Democrat National Committee and Secretary Clinton has unleashed during the primary system. 

I think that the Clinton campaign underestimates how much anger, derision, and simple revulsion that these tactics have caused in a lot of Democrats and Independent voters.  The tipping point for me was when I saw the manufactured outrage by the media, the Democrat National Convention, and Secretary Clinton’s supporters about a situation that should have never happened.  This organized and false outrage makes Secretary Clinton appear even more dishonest than Mr. Trump. 
At this point, I could neither support either Secretary Clinton, or Mr. Trump.  But, here is the new wrinkle, I am being told by my friends and acquaintances who support Secretary Clinton that I have to vote for her to prevent Mr. Trump from becoming the President of the United States of America.  

They tell me that she is the only choice in a field of two.  Well, I have taken civics in High school, I know that this is not the case.  I know that the Electoral College elects the President.  I also know that the only parties that will even have a chance for President in this election are the two candidates in the Republican and Democrat Parties.  I don’t care, I won’t vote for either of these venal people. 
I also know that there are three branches of government.  It is about time I start paying attention to those people who are being elected in the House of Representative and the Senate.  You see, we have had eight years of obstructionism from the congress.  I don’t see any changes in that obstructionism in the future.  Truth be told, neither party truly loves their choices for the President of the United States of America.  That means that no matter who is elected, we will have gridlock.  That being said, the urgency to vote for someone I would not allow in my house, let alone have a beer with is a non-issue.  I really don’t believe that you can “waste” a vote if you vote for something/someone you believe in. 

I am a Senator Sanders Supporter.  I supported him because he voiced beliefs that I hold dear to my heart.  He probably will not be the Democrat candidate for this election.  That does not bother me.  I am happy that there is a whole bunch of people out there who have their eyes open and now see that the media and the corporate world are out there colluding against them to be slaves.  I think that the DNC may have done a great service to the people of America by slanting the race for Secretary Clinton.  We now know that the system is rigged, there is no doubt after this election.  We know that the rich and powerful will do anything to hold on to the control that they exert over the American people.  I will chalk this election up to the learning curve.  

I now know how the game works. 
To conclude this thought, I am going to vote for Senator Sanders in the primary.  I am going to cast my vote with a smile on my face and a light heart because I know that I am not contributing to the problem.  In November, I am going to vote for Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party.  The day after the General Election, I am going to actively start looking for a place where my effort will be appreciated and make a positive difference for my fellow Americans.  I will do that because voting for the lesser of two evils is just un-American.      

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